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Building Community for

Student Housing

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Building a sense of community within student housing communities is enriching for both people and businesses. Our premium-quality yard games bring friends and neighbors together for friendly fun while supporting a good cause.

Bags & Boards

Amazing Games

Truly Great Products
Quality outdoor game products that are design-forward, aesthetically cool, and engineered to last.

Product Customization
Autside products can be co-branded for your communities and/or corporate nameplate.

Landscape Designed
Our games are designed to enhance the composition of your community’s beautifully appointed green spaces and common areas.

Nonprofit Partner: Imagine a Way

Do Some Good

Right for the Cause
5% of every Autside sale is dedicated to nonprofits that support autistic individuals and their families.

A Brand to Stand For
Enjoying time outdoors provides learning experiences that encourage self-discovery, communication, self-confidence, and friendships.

Risk Management & Compliance
Autside is ESG compliant as we utilize environmentally sustainable materials, and socially responsible production and are transparent in our corporate operations.

Our Products

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Our Partners

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